Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Superhero Personality Test

Rob Au's blog led me to this test. Pretty accurate.

Your results:
You are Superman

Green Lantern
Wonder Woman
The Flash
Iron Man
You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.

Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...


Spencer Davis said...

It also said that I was Superman, though for some reason it had both 70% for Superman and Flash.

I am upset. Superman is just about one of my least favorite superheroes. I would say that niether you (Cblakes) or I are as boring as Superman.

I would prefer Batman, Spiderman or Magneto

Jayme said...

I am Green Lantern

Hot-headed. I have strong
will power and a good imagination.

Katie @SwimBikeQuilt said...

Hmmm... I guess you can tell that life in DC can get interesting. I am also the Green Lantern. Hot-headed with a strong will power and a good imagination. For the record, I don't think I'm hot headed. lol. I was 70% Green Lantern, and 55% each Super Man, Spider Man, Supergirl and Wonder Woman

Rob Au said...

I love it! I have started a trend! I was 95% Superman... and Spencer I must rebuke your blasphemous comment about my greatest childhood idle! Being a reader of Superman comics and and a huge fan of the Justice league (watch out folks the nerd factor is about to go through the roof), Superman is a complex and extremely interesting character. His inner struggles with his own power and potential for good and for evil are so intriguing! I love how much he wants to destroy (and lets face it he could obliterate not just destroy) his enemies but yet he always manages to keep himself from giving way to the temptation (except against Darkseid but that's another story). Hollywood's interpretation of Superman my be dry on the silver screen but he is most definitely complex and interesting in real life! (How is that for the dorkiest post ever!)

Spencer Davis said...

Rob Au-
First off, I must admit that my knowledge of the Superman universe is limited to the silver screen and a very limited amount comic reading. That said, I would be very interested to see a movie or read a comic that deals with Superman's internal struggles and a battle with dark tendencies.

Until I see something like that, Superman will be boring. How many times do we have to see him swooping down from the sky to catch and prevent a brick wall or a car or building from falling on the public? It seems like this is all he does. Also, there is no villan out there who can stop him. He is basically invincible. On a physical level he is virtually flawless. No one can compete with him. Lets be honest. One crappy thing about Hollywood is that the good guys always win. Everyone knows this, but at least with other films the villans have been able to create tension. This tension will never exist in a Superman story for me because he is too invincible.

Ian said...

I am Robin: "Young and acrobatic.
You don't mind stepping aside
to give someone else glory." I guess the test picked up on my boyish charm, but I hope I'm not as annoying as Robin. Coming in close behind were Green Lantern and Spiderman.

Kyle said...

Excellent post Cblakes. This may be one of the better "Which ___ are you" surveys I have come across.

First place for me was Flash, second was Superman.

Rob Au said...

In order to spare Chris from having his blog turn into a nerdy comic battle I replied to the notion of Superman being a boring character at

Feel free to stop by and debate to your hearts delight!

Look out Spencer! I will turn you into a believer of Superman! HA HA HA

cblakes said...

The more superhero controversies the better. Maybe the question isn't if Superman is boring, but whether his dilemmas are boring. Spencer said he's sick of seeing Superman swoop and save people from this and that. In any case, I think Superman is definitely his own clean cut flavor, but can be exciting.

A few related things:

Does Kryptonite-drain seem like a lame weakness? I dunno. In Superman Returns I didn't get how it didn't affect SM much WHILE he lifted tons of it into space. I wonder if a different weakness work for SM.

As for Superman movies, the most interesting to me is still Superman 2, where it shows how a "perfect" man acts when he becomes mortal. The movie is cleverly realized as well.

I've read some Superman comics, and still have that Doomsday "death of superman" comic in it's wrapper. But the four spinoff superman comics that followed deflated the story. How lame to turn an interesting story into a weird, dissapointing marketing device.

Anyway, great discussion. Thanks for taking off the gloves at watch & learn.

Katie said...

I am Wonder Woman. I'm rather excited about this since I dressed up as her for Halloween in first grade. Fun post.