Sunday, April 15, 2007

Free Trial of LOTR Online Game

BTW, there's a free trial of the new Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows on Angmar for nine more days before the official release. To the shadows of Mount Doom, past the leaves of Lothlorien!


Katie said...

I'm sure Ian will be checking this out soon. Ian said you had fun in Chicago.

Rob Au said...

Have you played it? What's it like? Is it any fun? I have played a couple of LOTR games in the past. Usually they left me frustrated due to difficulty or bored with lack of story or progression. It seems that games up until now have struggled to capture the excitement of the LOTR universe. What say you?

cblakes said...

I'm playing Wednesday with some people from school. This is the first MMOG (Massively Multiplayer Online Game) I've played, so I'll return and report with what I find out.

Compared with other games, MMOG's are interesting because (from what I understand) they are extremely social, and endless quests are beaten in order for players to "level up", or become more powerful in different ways. So the game is largely self organizing and unpredictable.

You may be interested in the quality of graphics in these games. The World of Warcraft backdrops are pretty amazing (and expensive).

Ian said...

You may also be interested to know that there are people who will spend massive amounts of time "leveling up" and will then sell their powerful characters on ebay. My last co-clerk was an officer in the army and spent a year in Jubudy (sp?) before his clerkship. He said that there was a lot of sitting-around time and that many of the enlistees would spend all day playing these games and would then sell their characters. He said it worked out to be like a $15-20 per hour job.

Chantalle said...

i love our moving pac-man. in my house, i am the reigning champion of ms. pac-man; no matter how hard they try to kids cant beat my high score. yeahhhhhhhhhhh me! (i know, pathetic, but i gotta have something :))

cblakes said...

Ian, that is so strange. I've heard of people selling items online too. I didn't know it could be a job! I should look into this.

Chantalle, Ms. Pacman..that's awesome.