It's baptism by fire these two weeks. Last week I attended a two-day Apple Education conference here in Madison (Steve Jobs didn't show up:(... and no free iPhones - sob), and next week I'm going to Chicago for AERA (American Educational Research Association). The Apple conference, a relatively small, localized deal, probably had about 100 people participating. AERA will be in the thousands.
One thing I've learned in graduate school is that good questions are often better than good answers. So here's are questions I'd like answered while at AERA:
- How are video/computer games being used in education today?
- What, besides embodying effective pedagogical techniques, are virtues of commercial video games?
- What to people learn from making amateur movies, and from watching amateur movies (youtube movies, class assignment movies, home movies).
- What is Brett Shelton & Co. at Utah State doing with games for instruction?
- What are the theoretical leanings of other universities, and how does that compare with UW-Madison (known for Critical Theory)?
- How can I beat Christopher at Fantasy Baseball?
Hopefully this list will help me get the most out of my time in the windy city!