Thursday, November 8, 2007

The Office writers and the WGA strike

Not only is this clip funny, but it's a good explanation of why the writers guild of america are striking.


Katie @SwimBikeQuilt said...

Pretty funny, actually. I didn't realize that the HR guy was a writer. A "promotions" writer no less. The other writer should write himself into the office to make more money, since kelly, Ryan, and my favorite, Mr. HR The Finer Things, all act as well

Katie said...

I didn't know all those people were writers as well as actors. Interesting.

Jayme said...

boo hoo! I'm for more promotions!!

3703 said...

waaa waaa. If they are sick of writing then they can leave.

cblakes said...

I agree; it's interesting that three of the writers are actors. I've heard that when writers are on set it's like mom is with you and your friends. I wonder how them being on set changes the dynamic and what the other actors do.

Rumbler, have you thought of a career as a CEO?