Friday, September 21, 2007

Second Life & MIT

If you're kind of turned off of Second Life, like I have been because of the inevitable creepiness that exists in parts of a virtual world, this MIT space (follow link below for short video) shows some redeeming possibilities.

What do y'all think of Second Life. Has anyone spent much time in-world? or is real-world the only world for you?


Katie @SwimBikeQuilt said...

It seems kind of creepy. I think I don't get it.

tjcool18 said...

I have given myself until the age of 29. At that point I will be turning myself over to the 3-D virtual reality world. Perhaps there I can find an eternal digital companion.

Spencer Davis said...

I listened to a cyberpunk book about this stuff. It was so crappy that I had to turn it off. I did at least learn one thing from what I read- While in second life, if someone offers you a drug called Snow Crash, don't take it. Its a virus that will ruin your computer and your life.