Sunday, February 25, 2007

blakesley academy award winners

For the heck of it, emily and I held our own academy awards. We asked some family and friends to nominate and vote for their favorite movies (actors, acresses, etc.), to see what would happen in contrast to the Oscars. So we had 7 nominators and 12 voters in all! Thanks to those who participated:) See you next year.

And, a while ago Salt Lake City film critic Sean P. Means said that if the Oscars were left to the masses, not the elite, Pirates of the Caribbean would win for best picture because it made the most money. In this instance of a small sample of mass, he's wrong - Pirates won for technical awards, but wasn't even nominated for best picture. Goes to prove that while people shell out money for spectacular entertainment, people generally know when they see quality movies.

And the winners are:

Best Picture: Tie between The Prestige and Stranger than Fiction
Oscar picked: The Departed

Best Comedy: Nacho Libre

Best Animated Feature: Tie between Over the Hedge and Cars
Oscar picked: Happy Feet

Best Foreign Film: Nacho Libre :)
Oscar picked: Leben der Anderen, Das

Best Actor: Kevin Spacey, Superman Returns
Oscar picked: Forest Whitaker, The Last King of Scotland (obviously a late nod to his work in "Bloodsport."

Best Supporting Actor: Philip Seymour Hoffman, MI:3
Oscar picked: Alan Arkin, Little Miss Sunshine

Best Actress: Meryl Streep, The Devil Wears Prada
Oscar picked: Helen Mirren, The Queen

Best Supporting Actress: Natalie Portman, V for Vendetta
Oscar picked: Jennifer Hudson

Best Director: J.J. Abrams, MI:3
Oscar picked: Martin Scorsese, The Departed (and Raging Bull...and Goodfellas...)

Best Art Direction: Tie between Superman Returns and Flyboys
Oscar picked: Pan's Labrynth

Best Original Screenplay: Tie between Rocky Balboa and The Fountain
Oscar picked: Little Miss Sunshine

Best Adapted Screenplay: The Prestige
Oscar picked: The Departed

Best Short, Live Action: Der Ostwind
Oscar picked: West Bank Story

Best Cinematography: The Prestige
Oscar picked: Pan's Labrynth

Best Sound: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Oscar picked: Dreamgirls

Best Costume Design: The Devil Wears Prada
Oscar picked: Marie Antoinette

Best Makeup: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Oscar picked: Pan's Labrynth

Best Visual Effects: Night at the Museum
Oscar picked: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

Best Original Musical Score: The Fountain
Oscar picked: Babel

Best Song: "I am I am", Nacho Libre
Oscar Picked: "I Need To Wake Up", An Inconvenient Truth


Spencer Davis said...

The Oscars robbed Pan's Labrynth for best foreign film. It looks like the Blakesleys did too, though Nacho Libre was a close second in my book.

Is Forest Whitikers eye all messed up from the work that he did in Bloodsport?

This was lots of fun. Thanks Cblakes and Emily.

Katie @SwimBikeQuilt said...

What??? I thought everyone hated the queen. DWP all the way! Sorry I was confused...

3703 said...

Loved the Oscars and our movie knowledge. I too loved Forrest's work with Jean Claude. Biggest upset: Peter O'Tooele not winning/having a heart attack on stage.

Thanks for letting us vote and having a say in this years academy awards

Jayme said...

They should have renamed this year's oscars the "Global Warming" awards. Maybe next year I'll create a PowerPoint presentation on a politically popular topic, ask John Kerry to narrate and hire a washed up band to sing a sympathetic theme song, and win an oscar for best Documentary. I loved seeing the Blakesley winners, which strongly reflect our background and values. For example, note how many of the actual Oscar winners were rated R. Also, we Utahns loved Nacho Libre, which was created by a BYU-educated director.

3703 said...

They were not rated 'R' in Canada. I always do a background check before compromising my values.

Anonymous said...

I guess I need to see The Fountain. Could someone plese give me a rundown on this film. Wasn't it a sci-fi romance about time travel? If so, is it as good as Somewhere In Time? which is currenlty my favorite sci-fi romance about time travel.


Katie said...

"I'd just like to thank the Blakesley Academy...". Fun idea cblakes and emily. I'm a little out of the movie loop because Ian had to explain what each of the "best film" nominees were about.

Rumbler, I'm happy to hear you don't "compromise" your values.

Ian said...

The best part of the Academy Awards is when the Argentine guy won an Oscar for best original score (Babel). He gave his acceptance speech in English, but then he gave a shout out en espanol to his father, Argentina, and all latinos.

cblakes said...

I'm curious about The Fountain too. It apparently spans over 1,000 years, which sounds pretty cool.

Ian, that Argentine winner talked to fast, I thought. Brazilian Portugese has always been easier on my ears...

3703 said...

Too bad he didn't have Clint by his side to translate for the audience. Gift of tongues.

Chantalle said...

in this subject i bring the blakesley name shame...i need to "watch & learn" more.


Jayme said...


I agree with you, top profits does not an Oscar make . . . unless there is an award for advertising and hype. I suppose the Oscar judges include in their criteria, in addition to overall quality, a movie's innovation and lasting import.